In 2007 MIPC successfully applied to the Australian Government Envirofund for a grant to undertake the regeneration of North Point, an area degraded due to the long term presence of a 'squatters' camp', now removed. Part of the area has been developed by QPWS as a public campground, with the remainder being allowed to return to its natural state. The project aimed to identify and eliminate the pest plants which were established there due to the illegal habitation, and replant where required with native species using volunteer labour. The funds provided by Envirofund covered transport costs to get volunteers to this remote site, including barge fares from the mainland, and 4WD vehicular transport to North Point.
This project was expected to be conducted over an 18-month period and commenced in February 2008 but was extended to Dec 09 due to the oil spill which denied us access to the site at North Point. Plans for large groups camping at North Point proved to be difficult to organise so most of the work was done by small groups staying at the flat at the Information Centre. There were 3 weekends when 10 more volunteers were brought over by Goanna Adventures which gave us generous discounts on their usual rates. Volunteers were expected to work for at least four hours per day as their contribution to the project.
MIPC acknowledges support received from MICat ferries for providing discount barge fares for volunteers, and to Alan Genninges of Moreton Experience for transport.